Four is a Boy
This website showcases the work in progress on the Miga's Secret project. Miga’s Secret is an illustrated an animated nursery rhyme, accessible through a set of seven concertina picture books and an interactive mobile application. The idea and project is initiated by Art Director and Motion Designer Monika Rohner.
Storytelling, Animation, Picture-book, Transmedia, Interaction, Interactive game elements, Nursery-Rhyme, Childern, Design, Illustration, Magpie, One for sorrow, Work in Progress, Project Development, Portfolio
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Four is a Boy

The “Four is a Boy” scene is taking place in a dark forest. The forest is mainly populated by animals but in the middle of the thicket sits a boy with a birdcage. The boy’s looking shy and lost in the huge forest.

Miga is flying through this forest. She meets a sneaky cat and follows it for a while. Later Miga leaves the forest and from some distance she can see that the forest is growing out of the boy’s head. This boy is sitting in the dark with an object on his lap covered by a cloth. Miga grabs the cloth and reveals a birdcage with a massive shining diamond hovering inside. Whit the bright stone revealed the scene lightens up and you can see that the boy is sitting in a forest. Miga is flying through this forest again…  ∞
The storyboard and the animatic above make it easier to understand how the loop is going to work. The styleframes show the final look of the scene and the second movie shows a mock-up of the Loop Book. The Loop Book is made with pictures from the storyboard, it doesn’t show the final artwork yet.