Four is a boy / Styleframes
This website showcases the work in progress on the Miga's Secret project. Miga’s Secret is an illustrated an animated nursery rhyme, accessible through a set of seven concertina picture books and an interactive mobile application. The idea and project is initiated by Art Director and Motion Designer Monika Rohner.
Storytelling, Animation, Picture-book, Transmedia, Interaction, Interactive game elements, Nursery-Rhyme, Childern, Design, Illustration, Magpie, One for sorrow, Work in Progress, Project Development, Portfolio
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Four is a boy / Styleframes
Four is a boy / Styleframes
Finally I found the time to create some styleframes for the “Four is a Boy” scene which is taking place in a dark forest. The forest is mainly populated by animals but in the middle of the thicket sits a boy with a birdcage. The boy’s looking shy and lost in the huge forest, which is actually growing out of his head.
The two styleframes are corresponding to the two “Boy”-pages in the picture book. To see how the whole loop evolves, make sure you read the storyboard-post or watch the animatic for this scene.

Besides loads of different trees I created some more animal characters for this scene. There’s a cheeky squirrel, a beastly owl and a group of butterflies. The magpies, the cat and the hedgehog already had an appearance in the “Five for Freedom”-Styleframes.

Character Design
“Your head is a living forest full of songbirds.”
E. E. Cummings, 1894-1962

Character Design